sakuico Shaman King is a manga created by Hiroyuki Takei. The story follows the life of young shaman called Yoh Asakura who wants to make his dream of living a peaceful life true by winning a tournament called Shaman Fight that would allow the winner to become the new God of Earth.

The manga began its serialization in Shueisha's Shonen Jump in 1998 but was cancelled in 2004 and left unfinished until 2009 when it came back with a perfect Edition (Kang Zeng Bang) and the story concluded with a pilot chapter for a sequel called Shaman King Flowers: The Age of Hana.

This sequel was properly serialized in Jump Kai as Shaman King: FLOWERS from 2012 to 2014 when the magazine was cancelled and the story was wrapped quickly. After moving publishers to Kodansha, in 2018 it was announced its comeback under the name of Shaman King: The Super Star, serialized in Shonen Magazine Edge and the manga picked up from where it left.

sakuico Alogside the sequels, it spawned several spin-offs stories, namely: Red Crimson, FAUST8, &a Garden and Marcos.

sakuico It has three anime serializations: one from 2001, a remake in 2021 and FLOWERS animated adaptation in 2024.


sakuico I'm Aonik and I like Shaman King a normal amount.

sakuico I grew up in the era of fansites and shrines and I visited tons of those searching for Mankin content in the early 00s.
I felt nostalgic about it and thought about how the Flowers' kids never had that so I wanted to take matters into my own hands and (finally) learn how to make a webpage from scratch to fulfill my childhood dreams.

sakuico Tsubomi means "bud". It's the title of the first chapter of FLOWERS. I think it suits both the manga and this little experimental website.

sakuico Site's a bit clunky and held together with duct tape, but I hope you enjoy your stay!


sakuico December 2023 - ver 1.0 "Winter plum"