
FLOWERS Episode 2

西東京擬音祭り (West Tokyo Sound Effect Festival)

January, 16th 2024

Episode 2 started with a blast, and by a blast I mean the OP. I talked at length about it but it's just so epic. The quality of this anime just keeps being super pleasing. I heard a reviewer saying they 'improved' the pacing compared to the remake but I digress. I said it before and will say it again, Takei's fast paced structure now is more fitting for anime than it was the good old SK.

Anyway, ep starts with Tamao's introduction and I love we already have Nottare Tamamikoshi to have it in the bg. Once again we get rid of Hana's haiku but it's okay, everyone looks great. The detail of the Funbarigaoka bird sign redesign was super nice, not even in the manga Takei felt like redesigning it and just kept the actual irl counterpart LOL

Sneaky Hana was SUPER adorable, the expressions are amazing, and sometimes the big eyes do look fine.
Wasn't it morning when he fought Yohane? How far is his house from the cemetery that now's evening??? It sure took a while
So everything goes like in the manga here, Luka visiting the shrine, Yohkyo, the bath scene... (I always thought Hana was the one screaming about his little thing but apparently it was Ryu the whole time!? It makes sense anyway hahah it just shows how much Hana learnt from Ryu).

The watering pansies scene was super cute but I'm missing him not mentioning Redseb or Seyrarm at all.

The highlight of this first half has to be the added moments of Hana showing his flirty rizz to Luka on the street, he's so dumb but i'm happy to see that side of him before he has to run for his life. So, cool fight and all, the greatest moment of Hana giving Luka a reality slap with the jail issue, and just the whole fight was amazing and they didn't skimp on showing Hana's wound and blood. Thank you midnight slot (there was no way they could show the later carnage if it got any other time slot).

Yohane attacking with the Tsukuyomi has to be one of my favorite moments, the animation looks super smooth and his voice is just perfect.
Also the moment Luka dispells Hana's OS, the music track there gave me chills.

And then the impactful entrance of out heroine. Wonderful.

It was funnier when Ryu and the Hanagumi were watching Tv but details, details.

Alumi's voice is PERFECT and Hana's inflections as well. I came to like his voice a lot more with this episode.
Alumi has the cutest accent when talking, I'm becoming Uesaka's fan just for this.

The little 'eh' from Hana when Alumi says she's her fiancée, he has so much going on at the moment his brain can't compute anything (relatable).

And I feel like crying because this episode was perfect as well and I still can't believe this is happening to me in my lifetime. AAAAAAhhhh!!!!!

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