
FLOWERS Episode 3

帰ってきたおシャマなシャーマン (The Prodigal Shaman Returns)

January, 23rd 2024

Getting a heart attack when hearing the OP first thing... It was funnier when I had to stream the episode but my power decided it would go out like 20 minutes before the episode and not come back until an hour later. Of course I had taken measures against that because I knew it would happen eventually so I have several backup batteries for extended internet power. It went pretty well so I feel unbeatable now.

Anyway! Episode 3... starts with the scene at the hospital and Hana freaking out and being a complete dumbass dying twice for being a perv teenager. I love my stupid son and I LOVE Alumi so much I can't get enough of her cute accent.

Then everyone in the room to be murdered by her and she leaves. And Bridge then murders me by putting the long haired Anna I so much dread. Bridge get this straight now: teen Anna's hair is NOT mid-back length. It's barely longer than Alumi's, check the 2001 anime for further reference thxbye.
(I'm glad they got Alumi's hair right)

Ryuuji calling Hana chibi and the coolest jump kick right onto Ryu's face. Priceless moment of appreciation from Ryuuji.

And then flashback talk, Alumi being GORGEOUS. Seriously, if someone for some weird reason didn't love her before, now it's the moment to do it (and to think her best moments come in TSS though... Flowers was more about the punches and being a party pooper for her, but it's completely understandable because Hana is an idiot).

This Hana is the most beautiful, they recreated the manga panel expression to a T and I'm so thankful.

This profile is the CUTEST!!!! LOOK AT HER

The animation in this episode continues to be breathtaking for the previously stated standards and I'm happy they don't follow the settei at all because to hell with those ugly designs.

AND TAMAO AT KYOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWIES. I loved seeing her strolling around the city. Perfect context. Actually she's the highlight of the episode, she was SO badass I can only think of the moment we get the Shiva battle...

The inverted effect during Hana's monologue was so cool. And Yohane's introduction... oh boy. I'm dead. The girls taking pics dkjsfhsdf they're all over him (amazing callback to one of my favorite panels in Ultimo too).

Yohane already speaking soft and he's not even full baby yet... (until next episode at least).

This scene looked like it came out of a movie, the morning light looks super cool.

And back to Kyoto. TAMAO KICKING ASS!!!!!! Yohkyo's ass specifically. TAMAO'S VOICE UUUGHHAHAHHGUGHHHHHHH I'M NOT OKAY i want her to shugen no kiwami o me

i said this on twitter but Yohkyo looks good and handsome and that's not something I expected to say in this lifetime.

Actually nothing feels real still and these reviews are short and make very little sense but I have fun writing them even if I'm late most weeks...

ANYWAY. Next ep preview showed Yosuke and I'm ready to lose my last screw supporting my head.

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