
FLOWERS Episode 4

喪失感 (Sense of Loss)

January, 30th 2024

It's like a million degrees hot and my brain has been rapidly decomposing since watching the ep so this will be quick.

This episode was great as usual except we clearly hit that time of the series where the drawings and animation become inconsistent/lacking.

Starts with the Amidamaru/Daikyo fight that honestly I can finally make some sense out of it. The battles tend to get super confusing in the manga but now I can clearly see what the hell is going on there. Amidamaru's speech was great. Having color and music really elevates the moment.

Cuties all around.

AND THEN. HE. THE SCRUNKLIEST. I screeched so loud I woke up the death but it took me off-guard. Anyway... ahh his voice... This is of public knowledge by now but ever since like 2014 I dreamed of having Ishida Akira voicing Yosuke. In the end we got Yoshitsugu Matsuoka who I'm not familiar with BUT after some research on my friend's part it seems his role model is no other than freaking Ishida Akira and you know what? He gets is SO, SO CLOSE. It's kind of scary actually, but maybe this is the closest we can get and to me it's practically perfect. He gets that whimsical overall feeling with the little intonation changes that perfectly get the feeling of the ♪ Yosuke always speaks with.
One person on twt was wondering if the jp subtitles had the music note in them LMAO (I don't know if they had it...). I love it and I'm so happy and I'm excited to hear more. Also got several people coming to tell me how Yosuke's voice was sexier it had the right to be and they're right.

Now SCHOOL TIME!! Hana's tone imitating the questions from classmates got me smiling so wide. God we now have gummy bear Yohane and his voice is PERFECT. Hana's "Ah?" when Yohane tells him he has no friends... SPARKLY YOHANE TOO CUTE FOR THIS WORLD. Ahhh I love everything bye.

Then enters the class idol ALUMIIIII!!!!!!! SHE'S TOO CUTE AND THE BL SCENE WAS, YOU KNOW ALREADY, PERFEEEECT!!!!! I was expecting some more movement here like Hana's falling sequence during Alumi's jump or classmates moving a bit more or having those animated lines to indicate blabbering but in any case this was peak comedy and I was laughing like a maniacal.


I loved Luca being an otaku that came from the woods (and OUTFITS!) and Ryuujis speech. The timing for the punches was great too skdfjshdf and the Princess Hao fanservice was a great addition because why not.

Hana's despair was conveyed so godly, Hikasa is doing the lord's work here, I almost wish she didn't voice Yoh too (Yuuko Sato you still live in my heart and in my alternate reality you're still Yoh).

aND HERE COMES THE CLOWN AGAIN with his idiot laugh and shit eating grin. They seriously didn't need to go this hard with him. I'M SCARE. The YVScoper comes next episode and if he looks fabulous I'll cry (I'll cry either way).

Seriously why is he so... Man get a comb...

Like speaking of crying I tear up whenever I'm watching or rewatching anything about this anime. It still feels like a dream. And also the bluray has been the best investment of my life with all the goodies it comes with INCLUSING DRAMA CD AND FREAKING CHARACTER SONGS OF HANA AND ALUMI WHAT!!!!!!! SK (2001) had god tier music and songs (and way too many like how did they manage to get those many songs?? and with that quality?? Seriously what happened there... it was insane). The remake was very lacking in that department and Flowers had no hope so getting this much is something to be grateful for (I'm greedy and i want songs for everyone though...).

Back to the ep, Zion Mall! I swear it was Anna I in thse movies posters and I'm kissing Bridge in the mouth if that's the case.
I also find funny how they removed the dialogue of Hana being embarrassed of talking so grandly about a freaking shopping mall and they just kept the zombie movies one, he's plain excited jdshf

Every time Yohane says "Hana-kun" my lifespan increases tenfold. He's super cute and I've been waiting for this all my life. His inflections in the voice kdsfjsdhf i'm deceased.

TAKOYAKI. That's it.

Actually I was expecting something else from the animation like you know when in an anime there's some fanservice-y scene that's animated like super high budget? well kinda like that. For instance, I was expecting the full sequence of Hana introducing the takoyaki in Yohane's mouth like with some cartoony effect and a 'pop' sound but they just made a slideshow out of it.. And when Yohane opening his eyes saying 'delicious' he should have perked up moving the head a bit upwards instead of staying still. Details I know!

ALUMI'S VOICE HERE i'm marrying Uesaka. Yohane still chewing the food is so adorable... And then Alumi blushing ;_; ugh these cuties.

I'm skipping a bit now just to say how BADASS Luca pressing the stop button for the stairs with her heel was.


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