Team Hao

Hana profile

Hana Asakura

Age: 14
Birthday: 15th August, 2000
Blood type: A
Favorite food: Curry bun
Hobby: Gardening

Team Hao's leader. He's quick-tempered but is currently learning anger management tactics after taking advice from the demons in his head.

Yohane profile

Yohane Asakura

Age: 13
Birthday: 22nd February, 2001
Blood type: A
Favorite food: Soy milk
Hobby: Handicrafts

Branch Asakura. Certified cinnamon roll in training after letting go his cringe teen phase. Has a fragile body but a strong determination to protect what he loves.

Yohane profile

Alumi Niumbirch

Age: 14
Birthday: 11th April, 2000
Blood type: B
Favorite food: Chocolate banana crèpes
Hobby: Silverworking

Hana's fianceé. She has a tragic past and now seeks revenge. Has a huge pride and strength but is slowly learning to rely on others.

Gakko profile

Gakko Ibuki

Age: 13
Birthday: 14th January, 2001
Blood type: O
Favorite food: Hot dogs
Hobby: Wandering around at night

A boy from the countryside and also sitting somewhere in the Asakura family tree. His dream is to become a man.

Men profile

Men Tao

Age: 7
Birthday: 13rd September, 2007
Blood type: AB
Favorite food: Spaghetti with meat sauce
Hobby: Special training

Don't be fooled by his hairdo, he's not as soft. Currently seeking to avenge his mother's death and cover the team's expenses.